Love in Action® Training Series
Intervention from a Spiritual Perspective - 2025 Dates
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This 2-day course facilitated by Keith Bradley and Jay Staples covers every aspect of the process of intervention: whether it's structured family intervention, executive-style intervention, workplace intervention, invitational-style / process intervention or other variations, the goal is the same: to prepare professionals to individualize to the needs of families and the addicted person.
Keith and Jay share experience gained ‘in the trenches’ while facilitating hundreds of interventions nationwide and tools for remaining spiritually grounded throughout the process.
Topics covered include:
Engaging the family from the first phone call
Fact-finding to gain a clear understanding of the issues
Choosing the most effective intervention strategy
Helping to choose an appropriate treatment center
Matching treatment options to family finances
Building the intervention team
Love First® Seven-point process for writing intervention letters
Brainstorming for objections and answers to objections
Overcoming objections and dealing with difficulties
Planning for bottom line consequences
Making travel arrangements
Professional facilitation of the intervention
Ongoing communication with the treatment provider after delivery of client
Continue communication with the family and, in many cases, the client after intervention·